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2024 Università La Sapienza di Roma Trasformazioni e attraversamenti - Letture con Ulrike Draesner. Intervengono Cristina Vezzaro e Camilla Miglio.
2024 "Il posto delle parole", intervista su La sutura di Sophie Daull.
2023 "Il posto delle parole", intervista su Donna blu di Antje Rávik Strubel
2020 Conference: “Il mestiere del traduttore: un ponte fra il libro e l’autore”, Liceo Alfieri Torino, 18.12.2020
2020 Summer School Suedtirol: “Das Wagnis des Übersetzens: Wenn der Text zum eigenen Spiegelbild wird.”
2020 Webinar “L’utopisme postcolonial chez Fouad Laroui: La vieille dame du riad et Les tribulations du dernier Sijilmassi” – Université de Béni-Mellal, Laboiratoire de Recherches Appliquées LRALLARC
2020 Paper: “Francophonie et traduction: le cas de Fouad Laroui”, Université de Béni-Mellal, Morocco, Colloque international “Francophonie et langues migrantes”
2020 Paper: “Darija and Other Languages in Fouad Laroui”, 51th Nemla Annual Conference in Boston, March 2020
2019 Paper: “Migration to and Integration in Europe Through the Eyes of a Moroccan Author: Creating Collective Memory Through Translation”, Universität Innsbruck, Austria, International Conference “Translating Cultural Memory in Fiction and Testimony - Memory Studies and Translation Studies in Dialogue”
2019 Seminar of the Doctoral School on Cultural Transfer in Translation with Diana Roig Sanz and Petra Broomans, Ghent University and KU Leuven @Brussels
2019 Paper: “La transculturalité et l’hétérolinguisme de Fouad Laroui en traduction”, Université de Béni-Mellal, Morocco, Colloque international “Fouad Laroui, écrivain transculturel”
2019 Paper: “The Transcultural Non-Place of Translation in Fouad Laroui’s Les Tribulations du dernier Sijilmassi”, 50th Nemla Annual Conference in Washington D.C., March 2019
2017 Paper: “Le choix nécessaire entre texte et langue” + panel on translating Fouad Laroui, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France, “Fouad Laroui – L’humour de l’entre-deux”
2017 Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento di Studi linguistici e letterari, speaker at the translation seminar: “Tra scrittura e traduzione – La consapevolezza del mestiere” (Between writing and translating – The awareness of the job)
2016 Pordenone – Speaker at “Spaesamenti e nuove identità” on my translation of Un anno con i francesi by Fouad Laroui
2015 ASTTI Financial Translation Summer University Spiez, leading the DE / EN – IT workshop “CSR communication: una questione di stile”
2014 Residency at Translation House Looren, Switzerland
2014 BUK – Small and medium publishers Festival, Translation Slam French-Italian together with Giovanni Zucca, book by: Laure Mi Hyun Croset
2014 Max Planck Institut, Berlin: part of a study on translators and interpreters
2013 (Mrs.) Carter Workshop for Professional Literary Translators, Villa Cernigliaro, Italy
2013 ALTA Annual Conference – Bloomington, Indiana: Presentation of Authors & Translators
2013 Speaker at “Bearing Across: Translating Literary Narratives of Migration”, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, with the talk “Translating Fouad Laroui: A Journey Through Languages and Cultures” and Translators’ Round Table
2012 Residency at Translation House Looren, Switzerland
2011 Speaker at Istituto Italiano di Cultura + Northern California Translators Association: “Creativity Revealed: from Translation to Writing”
2011 Speaker at the FIT XIX World Congress with the talk “On the Intriguing Relationship Between Literary Translation and Creativity”
2011 TheMoth GrandSlam, New York City, Storytelling, “Into the Wild”
2010 2nd International Conference on Creativity and Writing: Orivesi College of Arts, Finland,
November 19 – 22 2010: “Being Creative in Literary Translation: A Practical Experience”
2010 Winner of TheMoth StorySlam, New York City, Storytelling, “Secrets”
2010 WALTIC 2010 – 2nd Writers’ and Literary Translators’ International Congress, Istanbul, with the talk “On the Fine Line between Translating and Writing: Implications of Two Creative Acts”
2010 Paesaggi di poesia, multimedia reading at Mel Bookstore in Bologna for the presentation of the book 100 Poesie dalla DDR
2010 Book Fair in Lepizig, round table for the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin about contemporary German literature in translation
2010 International Translators’ Meeting for Literary Translators from German, Literarisches Colloquium Berlin
2021 Fouad Laroui, Cristina Vezzaro, Marco Prandoni, Centro Amilcar Cabral, Bologna
2021 Fouad Laroui, Cristina Vezzaro, Liceo Alfieri Torino
2021 Festivaletteratura Mantova, Fouad Laroui, Bruno Gambarotta, Cristina Vezzaro
2020 Book Pride, La vecchia signora del riad by Fouad Laroui, with Cristina Vezzaro, Alessandro Martini, Maurizio Francesconi
2020 Festivaletteratura Mantova, Fouad Laroui
2015 Un anno con i francesi, di Fouad Laroui, with Fouad Laroui, Cristina Vezzaro, Marco Cena
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